Organised and supported by "PTACH" Foundation, our workshop produces camo masking nets for Ukrainian soldiers.

If you'd like to contribute — awesome! Here are several options for you to do so.


We're raising funds to cover the cost of materials for the camo masking nets (base and fabric). You can donate through one of the methods given below. Thank you!


[email protected]

Bank Transfer (for Polish banks)

Fundacja Ptach
Rachunek: 71 1090 1522 0000 0001 4302 6251
Tytul: Darowizna na cele statutowe

Bank Transfer (Information)

IBAN: PL 71 1090 1522 0000 0001 4302 6251
Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Join our team

You're welcome to drop by our workshop and see how the camo nets are made. We'll be more than happy to show you around and teach you the craft!


Wrocław, 4c Niedzwiedzia Str.

How to find us:


Project curated by "PTACH" Foundation